Kerri Dawson: Multi-Tasking Super Mom

  • By Jess Dang
  • August 1, 2013

Kerri Dawson Cook Smarts Kitchen Hero

Our latest super Hero in the Kitchen is Kerri Dawson, a mom who’s revamped her cooking routine to make sure family dinner happens in her household. Read how Kerri’s done it below.

Name: Kerri Dawson
Age: 33
City, State: Dixon, California
Outside of the kitchen I: Am a full-time mom to two boys (ages 3 and 1) and work as a part-time engineer.
Being able to cook allows me to: Eat less takeout and fast food.
Favorite Cook Smarts meal: Turkey Burgers

What’s been your biggest kitchen challenge?
Deciding what to make and finding the time to do it.

How has Cooks Smarts helped you overcome this challenge?
By planning the week’s meals for me. There’s no more head scratching involved trying to build a grocery list. My husband and I just print the list and go. The meals are pretty quick and prep work is outlined making cook time no longer an issue.

How do you get it all done with 2 sons and a part-time job?
If my youngest son has an afternoon nap, I try and get all the prep work complete so that come dinnertime everything is ready to begin the cooking process. I used to run around like crazy trying to prepare for dinner, and now I do things a little more methodically.

What new cooking skill or dish are you most proud of?
I love making my own vinaigrettes now. I’ve even had friends ask me to bring a salad to our next get together saying, “You know, the one you made the last time I was at your house.” It feels good!

What advice would you give to other moms balancing a lot on their plate but still want to make family dinner happen?
My advice would be to just commit to doing it. We, as a family, have really enjoyed letting Cook Smarts do all the planning for us. Most dishes are quick and delicious and deliver a wide variety of flavors. Let Jess help you cook!

Thanks Kerri for sharing your cooking story with us. You clearly are an amazing mom, wife, and home cook! We don’t know how you get it all done, but we feel so lucky to play a small part in your family dinners!

To join Kerri and cook meals like her favorite turkey burgers, sign up for our meal plan service. You can get started for free!

Mediterranean Turkey Burgers


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