Mad Libs Style Cooking
The cooking game that will up your cooking IQ, empower you to be less reliant on recipes, save money, and reduce your food waste.

Your fridge and pantry: full of ingredients. (hooray!)
BUT the recipe you want to cook does not match the fridge and pantry full of ingredients you possess. (boo)
You end up making one of two choices:
- Forget this cooking business! I’ll just go out. Fridge full of ingredients end up spoiling. (poor wallet and Mother Earth) OR
- I guess I’ll have to make another trip to the grocery store so that I can make this recipe. (what a pain!)
This scenario has happened to all of us, but I’ve made up a new cooking game to ensure that this never happens to you again. It’s my cooking spin on Mad Libs.
Even though it’s not as funny as the original game, it’ll empower you to be less reliant on recipes, save money, and reduce your food waste.
Here’s how it works:
Every ‘Mad Lib’ we’ve created represents a specific cooking method and you can fill in the blanks however you want (don’t worry, we’ll give you some suggestions to get you started).
Let’s take the simple process of sauteing vegetables, for example. This Mad Lib would go something like this:

It contains 3 Mad Libs representing 3 of our most-used cooking formulas, and we’ll continue to add more over time.
And feel free to create your own! Next time you’re looking at a recipe, try to find the underlying cooking formula(s) and strip it down to your very own Mad Libs cooking template.
Cooking Mad Libs
Ditch the recipes, reduce food waste, and have fun with cooking with our Mad Libs Style Cooking Sheets.
Ditch the Recipes!
Raise your cooking IQ with the cooking game.
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Want to learn more about cooking formulas? Check out the Cooking Produce and Cooking Proteins sections on our website.