Sweet Treats for the Holidays

  • By Jackie Sun
  • December 8, 2014

There’s something about the holidays. Even as you pack your schedule in so tight it might explode, you can’t help but get into the spirit of things, whether it’s taking the time out to make a handmade gift for your mom, or planning a memorable shindig filled with delicious food and toe-tappin’ music.

Despite the chaos of running around getting last-minute shopping done, making final touches on decorations and lights, and trying not to burn the house down with feast preparations, we just can’t help but love every bit of the holiday season.

We love the lights, the celebrations, the food, but most of all, we love seeing everyone’s happy faces. That is truly the icing on the cake.

Since we’re on the topic of cake – and the season of giving – we’re going to go a little out of our element (of dinner recipes) and gift you with three dessert recipes that are perfect for the holidays.

Cookies are great for any time, any day, any year, but that doesn’t mean that they lose their special-ness during the holidays. They’re even better during this time, because they are quick and easy to make, and you can make a big batch at one time and package for homemade, edible gifts to give out.

Our Peanut Butter Chocolate Crinkles are so soft and chewy, it was hard to leave some for our photo shoot. Dusted with powdered sugar, these fudgy baked goods look like winter cookies coated with fluffy snow. Wrap these up in cellophane treat bags, tie with a colorful ribbon, and add a handwritten note for gifts that will sweeten up the holidays!

Peanut Butter Chocolate Crinkles | Holiday Desserts via @CookSmarts #cookiesWhen you are on dessert duty and need to bring something sweet over to your guest’s house (or you’re having guests over), the easiest and tastiest route to go is bread pudding. Use up leftover bread, bake, and everyone can enjoy an after-dinner treat that doesn’t take much effort!

This Maple Banana Bread Pudding is lightly sweetened, so that a scoop of vanilla ice cream would go wonderfully with it, especially when warmed. If you have family staying over for the holidays, this can also be an indulgent breakfast for Christmas morning.

Maple Banana Bread Pudding | Holiday Desserts via @CookSmartsOur last dessert consists of a few components – honey-vanilla roasted pears, a fluffy and light pear cake, and a simple ricotta cream accented with chocolate – but it’s a great way to impress guests at a party.

Cutting the cake into individual portions means that there will be no fighting for a piece! There is plenty to go around.

Roasted Pear Cake with Chocolate Ricotta Cream | Holiday Desserts via @CookSmarts 

We hope these recipes make your holidays a touch sweeter for you and your loved ones. Happy Holidays!

Holiday Dessert Recipes | Cook SmartsHoliday Dessert Recipes | Cook SmartsHoliday Dessert Recipes | Cook Smarts

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