Becoming a new parent is no easy thing. The Cook Smarts Team has gone through a lot of babies, so we understand what crazy feels like, which is why we wanted to help you through this new stage of life with our best new parent resources!

While a lot of people prepare for babies with a registry, we have a little secret: none of the baby stuff really matters. Yes, you’ll need some onesies, somewhere for the baby to sleep and lots and lots of burp cloths, but aside from that, what you really need to get through this time is more sleep and easy meals to keep you fueled!

In this bundle, you’ll get our resources created specifically for your first year of parenting (and the time before baby comes to get you ready). They’ll allow you to focus more on your babies and stress a lot less about what to feed yourself.

Sign up below and get the entire bundle of goodies, so you can spend more time with your bundle of joy!

Get the New Parents Survival Bundle

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