The skills that kids build in the kitchen will always be valuable to their well-being in the future.

The truth is, there’s not any one thing that you can do to guarantee your kids will become healthy eaters. Like all things in parenting, there is no magic silver bullet.
However, there are a variety of habits and strategies from avoiding food battles to creating an inviting kitchen and eating environment that you can use to help your kids develop a curiosity for food and an early relationship with home cooking.
We’ve created a Raising Healthy Eaters Bundle with 8 incredible resources to help support you and your kiddos in the kitchen and beyond!
3 Tips for Managing Picky Eating
Every kiddo goes through phases of picky eating. Follow these 3 tips and stay consistent with your routine to avoid stressful battles at the dinner table.
10 Strategies for Creating Curious Eaters
Jess our Founder is also a mom of 3 and in this podcast episode, she gives you the doable tips that she uses to help her kids appreciate food.
How to Include Kids in the Kitchen [Infographic]
This infographic provides a list of age-appropriate activities your kids can do to help in the kitchen and develop life skills. [Read the original article]
Veggie Discovery Table [Printout]
Laminate this printout and use it as a fun visual display to help your kid(s) discover new vegetables.
Guide to End Short Order Cooking [eBook]
This eBook gives you the strategies and game plan you need to please every eater without being a short-order cook because what parent has time for that?
Top Chef inspired Sensory Game [Printout]
Help your kids expand their food vocabulary and make learning new foods and flavors a fun game.
Toddler Nutrition with Kacie Barnes
It’s easy for parents to worry about their kids’ nutrition intake, especially when they’re young. That’s why we invited a toddler nutritionist to ease some of your stress.
Family Story Card [Printout]
Food is only one part of the dinner experience. Use your time at the table to share family stories — here aer 50 questions your kids can ask to learn more about your family.
We hope with these 8 resources, you’ve got a whole big toolkit to make home cooking and healthy eating a natural part of your family’s culture. We’re so excited to support you!
Picky eating can’t be cured overnight.